I Expect You To Die 3
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I Expect You To Die 2
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Schell Games’ VR Escape-The-Room Game 'I Expect You To Die' Hits $3 Million Revenue Milestone

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Lead­ing vir­tu­al real­i­ty game devel­op­ment com­pa­ny Schell Games today announced its award-win­ning, escape-the-room VR spy puz­zle game I Expect You To Die has earned over $3 mil­lion in rev­enue across avail­able plat­forms, which include PlayStation®VR, Ocu­lus Rift, Win­dows Mixed Real­i­ty head­sets, and HTC Vive.

“The team put a lot of heart and hard work into I Expect You To Die and the suc­cess we’ve achieved def­i­nite­ly shows our pas­sion for this project,” said Jesse Schell, CEO of Schell Games. “With sup­port from fans, gamers, and techies who have played I Expect You to Die, we’ve proved that vir­tu­al real­i­ty can become a mainstream plat­form and its future is look­ing incred­i­bly bright.”

In August 2017, Schell Games announced the title earned $1 mil­lion in rev­enue. Since then, the com­pa­ny has con­tin­ued to sup­port I Expect You To Diewith ports to new plat­forms and the “First Class” update in Octo­ber 2017.

I Expect You To Die is a vir­tu­al real­i­ty puz­zle game where play­ers take on the role of an elite secret agent as they attempt to sur­vive dead­ly sit­u­a­tions in immer­sive, dan­ger­ous locals by com­plet­ing mis­sions using prob­lem-solv­ing skills and wits. It’s a race to thwart the evil Dr. Zor with­out suc­cumb­ing to traps and tricks that may cause an untime­ly demise.